O*Net Interest Profiler
The O*NET Interest Profiler is a free career exploration tool developed by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. It consists of 60 work activity statements that users rate based on their interests. The assessment takes about 20 minutes and generates a personalized interest profile based on Holland’s RIASEC model (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional).
This profile helps users identify their strongest vocational interests and connects them to potentially suitable careers. The results can be used to explore over 900 occupations listed in the My Next Move database, which provides up-to-date information on various career options.
The O*NET Interest Profiler is designed to assist in educational planning, career exploration, and career guidance. It’s widely used and has helped millions of people gain insights into their vocational interests since its introduction in 1999.