To jumpstart Highlighting Hounds, we are starting with the one-and-only, Kelsey Savoy, who has been a Marketing Assistant in the Career Development and Internship Center since 2022. Kelsey is a graduating senior who majors in Political Science and minors in Philosophy, Criminology, Law, Ethics & Constitutional Studies, and Core Texts & Enduring Questions. Beginning in the fall, Kelsey will be attending the Quinnipiac University School of Law in North Haven, Connecticut – with the intention to concentrate in Health Law. Kelsey is a recipient of the Dean’s Fellowship Scholarship, granting her a full ride! The CDIC sat down with Kelsey to learn more about the program and why she is pursuing Health Law.
Image: Kelsey standing in front of Quinnipiac University School of Law
Interviewer: When did you decide that you wanted to pursue a career in law?
Kelsey: Since I was very young, my family influenced me to pursue law. I grew up around my father who is a lawyer, and my grandpa was always encouraging me to go into the field. I knew I wanted to pursue law when I took an AP government class in high school where I enjoyed learning about our government and politics. Also, I know that I can argue well. Near the end of high school, I debated between pursuing law or medicine, as I was also influenced by my mother who has been a Paramedic my entire life. When I came to Assumption, I even took a chemistry class and started a job as an EMT during Covid. I felt that becoming an EMT while pursuing a career in Law was the best way to combine my two interests, and to incorporate little piece of my mom with me.
Interviewer: How did you learn about Quinnipiac University School of Law and what factors influenced you to apply?
Kelsey: I grew up only 20 minutes away from Quinnipiac, so I have always known about the school. Also, my father attended the same program many years ago and obtained his JD from there. He graduated when I was only a month old. I actually remember seeing a picture of my dad holding me in front of the university.
I knew that Quinnipiac would best prepare me for a career in law because of its mission to create well-rounded lawyers. Like Assumption, the liberal-arts-style curriculum allows me to take courses that I would not normally take, but they expose me to topic areas outside of my intended specialization. I think this will prepare me best for all different types of cases that I get thrown into during my career.
Also, I liked that Quinnipiac offers hands-on experience to students through externships and specialized programs to help students decide if that specialization is the right fit. Rather than finding out that you do not enjoy a certain specialization after obtaining your degree, students can participate in these externships earlier on in the program.
Interviewer: How did you determine that you wanted to specialize in Health Law?
Kelsey: I think it was a blend of both of my parents’ occupations. I enjoyed hearing and learning about law from my dad and the medical field from my mom. Also, one of my close family members had many health complications that were not adequately cared for by doctors, which made me even more determined to help patients advocate for quality health care.
Interviewer: What are you looking forward to the most in law school?
Kelsey: I am looking forward to writing a book. I am currently finishing my Honor’s Thesis that discusses the confrontation clause for children who must stand witness against their assaulter in court. Specifically, I argue that children should not have to confront their accuser in court as it is unethical to force a child to relive their trauma. In law school, I hope to grow this project and write a book to potentially spark change in our justice system.
Interviewer: How will this degree help you reach your career goals?
Kelsey: Well, my career goal is to combine my degree in Health Law and my passion for patient advocacy to hopefully provide pro-bono services to patients facing medical malpractices. Also, I hope to work at a firm alongside patient advocates and like-minded lawyers.
I think that this program will expose me to the field of patient advocacy through the externships that I mentioned. During my externship, I hope to get hands-on experience auditing medical malpractices in the legal department of Hartford Hospital. They have a new working relationship with Quinnipiac Law. Hartford Health Care has a new initiative to help their patients navigate both the medical and legal realms.
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