A Beginner’s Guide to Mock Interviews

You’ve probably heard the term, “mock interview,” but do you know what a mock interview is, or how it can benefit you as a future interviewee?

Mock interviews at the CDIC are conducted with a member of the CDIC or an outside employer. After the 15-20 minute long interview, the interviewer will offer feedback and discussion surrounding your resume and interview skills. Mock interviews simulate real job interviews, but are especially helpful as the interview will point out your shortcomings and acknowledge the areas in which you excelled. Whether you have or lack experience in interviewing, this is a great resource to utilize in order to improve your skills.

Take the mock interview seriously, and try to think of it as the real thing. Below are the components that comprise the mock interview process.


The Session

  • Dress in appropriate attire as though this is an actual company interview.
  • Greet the interviewer with an enthusiastic handshake and smile.
  • Listen to the question asked. Make sure you know what the interviewer wants to know. Ask for clarification if the question is not clear.
  • Keep your answers concise and to the point — two to three minutes long.
  • Make sure you are selling the product: You!
  • Have questions prepared to ask the interviewer.

The Feedback

  • Collect feedback from your interviewer pertaining to your resume and other professional documents as well as your interview itself.
  • Where do your strengths lie? What do you need to work on?
  • How are you being perceived by someone who does not know you?

On April 1 from 9am-4pm, mock interviews will be taking place at the CDIC with professional recruiters and hiring managers. Registration is currently open and ends on March 25. Click here or log into your Career Connection account to register.

By Amanda Adams
Amanda Adams Career Advisor